I'm Ahmet Cagatay Seker

Ph.D. Candidate | Junior ML Developer | Research Assistant

About Me

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Hi. I'm Ahmet Cagatay Seker and currently a Ph.D. candidate at University of Science and Technology (UST). Also, I'm working as a research assistant at Korea Institute of Science and Technology (KIST) in Seoul, South Korea. My research area is rendering a novel view of the human head from images.




Understanding Expiration Date

In this project, a CNN-based framework is developed, which can detect and understand expiration dates on the products. Given an input image, the framework first detects the dates and extracts their regions from the entire input image. Then, it identifies the day, month, and year components from the detected date regions. Later, it recognizes the characters of the day, month, and year components. Finally, the appropriate date is selected as an expiration date.

Animal Recognition Web Application

This project is an AI-based web application of 16 different animal recognition. The application takes the input image through website and makes prediction with the help of CNN. Eventually, it visualizes the prediction result on the website.

Fruit Recognition Android Application

This is an AI-based Android application of fruit recognition. The system uses the frames captured by phone camera and predicts the fruit in the frames by deploying CNN. The top three prediction is displayed on the phone screen. The application predicts the fruit in the real-time.

Three-Floor Elevator Prototype

This project is implementing a 3-floor elevator using Programmable Logic Controller (PLC). This system is driven by PLC to control all the components such as DC motor, magnetic relays, buttons, etc. Simply, the cabin can move up and down respect to the button signal and the location of the cabin is shown with 7-segment display.


🏆 Graduated as the highest ranked student in the Faculty of Engineering at Mevlana University in Jun 2015.


📃 A Generalized Framework for Recognition of Expiration Date on Product Packages Using Fully Convolutional Networks
Seker, Ahmet Cagatay and Ahn, Sang Chul
