A Generalized Framework for Recognition of Expiration Date on Product Packages Using Fully Convolutional Networks

Ahmet Cagatay Seker1, 2      Sang Chul Ahn1, 2

1University of Science and Technology      2Korea Institute of Science and Technology


This study proposes a generalized framework for detecting and understanding product expiration dates. Figure 1 shows the overall architecture of the proposed framework. The proposed framework consists of three networks: Date detection, DMY detection, and Recognition networks, sequentially. Given an input image, the date detection network detects the dates and extracts their regions from the entire input image. Then, the DMY detection network identifies and extracts the day, month, and year components from the detected date regions. Later, the recognition network recognizes the characters of the day, month, and year components. Finally, the appropriate date is selected as an expiration date after the recognition of characters.

Figure 1: The overall architecture of the proposed framework for expiration date detection and understanding.


The proposed framework can handle challenging expiration date cases and distinguish 13 different date formats in Table 1. It can detect and understand the expiration dates even when the input image contains multiple dates. Figure 2 shows the results of the understanding expiration date. Moreover, the proposed framework can detect date, due mark, production mark, and code mark classes.

Figure 2: Qualitative results of the expiration date recognition and understanding. Green, cyan, red denote the day, month, and year detection, respectively. Orange, purple, blue denote the due mark, production mark, and code mark detection, respectively.

Executable Files

We've released executable files of the proposed framework for Windows and Ubuntu operating systems. To see the detection and understanding results separately, we divided the proposed framework into two executable files as run_detection.exe for detecting date and run_recognition.exe for understanding the detected dates. Anyone who would like to test their images can use the following instructions.

Testing Images

Step 1: Create a folder named images_det that contains the test images.
Step 2: Place images_det folder and all .exe files in the same directory.
Step 3: Run the following commands for detecting the dates.

# for windows
cd path/to/exe

# for ubuntu
cd path/to/exe

After running the run_detection.exe file, a folder named results_det containing the detected dates and a folder named images_rec containing the cropped regions of detected dates, will be created in the same directory as executable files. The images in images_rec folder are the input images for the run_recognition.exe file. Noting that, the images_rec folder also contains a cropped_img_list.json file that includes the list of cropped images for an input image for detection network. If you would like to use the run_recognition.exe file independent from the results of run_detection.exe, just remove the cropped_img_list.json file before running it.

Step 4: Run the following commands for understanding the dates.

# for windows
cd path/to/exe

# for ubuntu
cd path/to/exe

After running the run_recognition.exe file, a folder named results_rec will be created in the same directory as executable files. It contains the day, month, and year detection results and the recognized expiration dates with the meaning in a .txt file.

Testing Webcam

We also provide an executable file in which you can use your webcam for detecting and understanding the expiration date in real-time. You can use the following instructions to use your webcam.

# for windows
cd path/to/exe

# for ubuntu
cd path/to/exe
Webcam Video

ExpDate: Expiration Date Dataset


In the lack of a publicly available dataset, we built six novel datasets to detect and understand the expiration dates. The collection of these datasets is named ExpDate, which consists of real and synthetic images of the product, date, and date components with various challenging cases.

Figure 3: Expiration date images in ExpDate. It contains challenging date images such as different font and date formats, multiple dates, etc.


For the date detection task, a novel expiration date dataset, Products-Real, was created by capturing 1767 real-world images with near-horizontal dates from food, beverage, and medicine products. It is split into training and test sets consisting of 1102 and 665 images. Additionally, around 12k product images with synthetic dates were generated to obtain various and challenging date samples. This synthetic dataset is called as Products-Synth and is used only for training.

To parse the dates into one of the date formats, another novel dataset named Date-Synth was created to train the DMY detection network, containing 128k images with a synthetic date. A test dataset, Date-Real, was constructed for evaluation. For the recognition task, a novel dataset, Components-Synth, was collected by generating 450k training images with synthetic date components. The components of the dates in Date-Real were used to create a new dataset named Components-Real for the evaluation of the recognition task. Figure 3 visualizes some images from ExpDate dataset.

Eventually, ExpDate consists of six different datasets containing real and synthetic images. It includes challenging cases with various date scales, different date fonts (including the dot-matrix), reflection, complex backgrounds, etc. Additionally, it contains images with multiple dates on the products (i.e., expiration and production dates). Thirteen different expiration date formats in ExpDate are shown in Table 1.

Table 1: Expiration date formats used in ExpDate.
#No Date Format Sample #No Date Format Sample
1 DDMMYY 29 10 2023 8 MMDD 10 29
2 DDMMMYY 29 OCT 23 9 MMYYYY 10 2023
3 DDMMYYYY 29 10 2023 10 MMMYYYY OCT 2023
4 DDMMMYYYY 23 OCT 2023 11 MMMDDYY OCT 29 23
5 YYYYMM 2023 10 12 MMMDDYYYY OCT 29 2023
6 YYYYMMDD 2023 10 29 13 YYYYMMMDD 2023 OCT 29
7 YYMMDD 23 10 29 - - -


Each date in the Products-Real and Products-Synth datasets is annotated with class, bounding box coordinates, date transcription, image width, and height. There are four classes defined: date, due, prod, and code in the training sets. Expiration dates in the test set of Product-Real are specifically labeled as "exp" class for easy evaluation, unlike the training set of Product-Real. Each component in the Date-Real and Date-Synth datasets is annotated with class, bounding box, and transcription. The day, month, and year are used as the classes for each component of the dates. Moreover, Components-Real and Components-Synth datasets consist of the components of the day, month, and year and their transcriptions.


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      title={A generalized framework for recognition of expiration dates on product packages using fully convolutional networks},
      author={Seker, Ahmet Cagatay and Ahn, Sang Chul},
      journal={Expert Systems with Applications},